Forecast for Mogan (pueblo)

Detailed forecast for Mogán


Canary Island wind conditions

There are also weather forecasts, sea conditions, surface pressure charts, ship's weather observations, satellite images etc. of the area available on this page. has weather information for both at sea and inland all over the world. Available in English, Dutch, German and Chinese.

Gran Canaria's Climate

The UK met office has a page describing the climate and year-round weather in Gran Canaria.

Satellite images

A short animated sequence of satellite images shows the movement of the clouds around the Canary Islands and the African coast on If you watch at the right time you can view the progress of dawn and dusk across the region.

Tide table for Puerto Mogan

Check the times of tides, best fishing times and the weather at

North Atlantic Weather Charts North-Atlantic Weather Map

Magic Seaweed North Atlantic charts showing swell, wind, period, pressure, ECM, surf, jetstream and SST.

Lightning strikes 'near' the Canary Islands

Strikes detected during the past hour by our lightning detector sited near Mogan are indicated by small red '+' signs along with the date and time they occurred.

Canary Islands lightning strikes

Lightning detection equipment and image provided by TOA Systems.