Weather forecast and statistics for Mogan

Weather Data for Playa Mogan, Gran Canaria
Last reading:
Current Weather Current temperature
Apparent temperature
Max. temperature
(since midnight)
at Min. temperature
(since midnight)
Average windspeed
(10 minute)
knots ( kmh) Wind Direction
(average in last 10 min.)
Windchill Temperature Maximum Gust
(in last hour)
Maximum Gust
(since midnight)
kts ( kmh) Maximum 1 minute average
(since midnight)
Rainfall in
last hour
mm Rainfall in
last 24 hours
Rainfall so far this month Rainfall so far this year
Max. rain per minute
(in last hour)
Max. rain per hour
(in last 6 hours)
Yesterday's rainfall DewPoint:
Wet Bulb


corrected to msl
Pressure change
in last hour
Trend in
last hour
Pressure change
in last 12 hours
Pressure change
in last 6 hours

Daily Highs and Lows

Barometric data

Weather extremes and graphs

Astronomical & Calendar

Sun and Moon data
Sun and Moon related dates
Graphic display of sun and moon data

Data is logged at two minute intervals, but is recorded every minute.
Use your browser\'s reload/refresh facility to retrieve the latest data.

Created by Weather Display

Lightning strikes 'near' the Canary Islands

Strikes detected during the past hour by our lightning detector sited near Mogan are indicated by small red '+' signs along with the date and time they occurred.

Canary Islands lightning strikes

Lightning detection equipment and image provided by TOA Systems.

Satellite images

A short animated sequence of satellite images shows the movement of the clouds around the Canary Islands and the African coast on If you watch at the right time you can view the progress of dawn and dusk across the region.

Forecast for Mogan (pueblo)

Detailed forecast for Mogán


WeatherOnlineCanary Island wind conditions

There are also weather forecasts, sea conditions, surface pressure charts, ship's weather observations, satellite images etc. of the area available on this page. has weather information for both at sea and inland all over the world. Available in English, Dutch, German and Chinese.


EasyTide Tidal Prediction Service provides tidal predictions for over 6,000 ports worldwide. It's simple to search for and bookmark the location you want for direct access to the latest update.

North Atlantic Weather Charts

Weather forecast charts Direct link to forecast charts